
  • January 27, 2021


      Every year on 3rd December, International day of Person with Disability is celebrated with the aim of equality, empowerment and inclusiveness. International day of person with disability was initiated by the declaration of United Nations general assembly resolution 47/3 in 1981. Government across the world had made necessary guidelines, rules and rights. 1983-1992 was international decade of person with disability. This day focuses to end discrimination in society, provide equal opportunities to them and treat them equally and it aims to promote the rights and well- being of person with disability. It is a social movement to generate awareness, secure equal opportunities and safeguard equal rights for all persons with disabilities. This is for providing them a safe environment, barrier free infrastructure, safe transportation etc. In India, the rights of person with disability, 2016 was passed by Indian parliament to fulfil the needs of person with disability. The theme of 2020 for International day of person with disability was declared by W.H.O that is “NOT ALL DISABILITIES ARE VISIBLE”. This theme focuses on spreading awareness and understanding about disabilities are not visible. Such as mental illness, sight or hearing impairment, neurological disorder, learning differences etc. This theme reflects an understanding that disability is an integral part of human condition. Almost everyone in their life have temporary or permanent impairment. What is Disability? Disability involves impairment, restrictions on activities, and restrictions on participation. It generally refers to physical disorders, cognitive disorders, sensory disorders, mental retardation, mental illness and various types of chronic diseases. Significant minority in the world are the people with disabilities. People with disabilities generally face poor health, lower education, lower economic opportunities and higher poverty rates than people without disabilities. It is mainly due to the lack of available services and the many obstacles they face in...
  • “When it comes to eLearning, content means everything. If eLearning content is not masterfully designed, all the rest will just go down the drain.” – Christopher Pappas Education sector in India is very vast and it’s growing at a very steady pace. Since the  ancient times,the education sector has been given a great importance as it is solely responsible for the growth of the nation and the people .It keeps on changing from time to time. In the past, traditional courses and subjects were considered as the best by forthcoming students. But now the time has changed. Students are now searching for more options and equipping themselves with a modern outlook towards education. Modernization and digitalisation has an important role in the advancement of e-learning process. It’s now moving towards the course with a lot of imagination ,innovations and additional efforts. E-learning is transforming the education sector in an innovative manner. The widening of courses and the changing trends in education sector have formed  broader choices for students to decide their career as per their competences and skills. Benefits of having such varied courses are not limited up to the students only.It is beneficial even for colleges, educational bodies, corporate and the whole nation at large. Any age group can get the benefit of e-learning and get success in their chosen career path. The presence of an instructor is not required and learners can decide their own time and venue for learning. This provides a great amount of flexibility for the learners, allowing learning to fit in within their busy lives. Digital Broadcasts Digital broadcast is a phenomenal process  to share voice content with the students.The most special standout among  the highlights offered by podcasting is learning through tuning in. For some individuals, listening might be more appealing  than perusing...
  • Prerna Students – Satyam College of Education, Noida Under the guidance of Dr Jyotsna Kohli Faculty – Sayam College of Education, Noida   Your life builds up on three things: choices, chances and changes. ‘Choice to take a chance to see the change’    How many of you have felt at some point that you would have been exceptional off accomplishing something different? How many of you have ended up pursuing a course that you don’t like but on an expectation that one day it will pay you well? How many of you doing something that neither you like nor it is contributing to your development? How many of you wanted to pursue something you were passionate and enthusiastic about but however now you got stuck in this competitive world where every other person is running after wealth and position? On an average most of the students are pursuing a career and living a life where they are not happy and this is the reality of today’s world. THE CONFUSION  Choosing between the career and passion has now been a challenging dilemma that troubles the minds of every student while they settle on a decision. After passing out from the schools, students stand at their first junction. What to do straightaway?  Which road to be taken will lead to a happy and successful life? Shall we follow the passion that keeps us alive consistently or shall we continue accepting the meaning of an effective and successful life that is given by the society which says ‘a bird in the hand is worth two into the bush? It is always great to have a degree’. Finish your degree and afterward seeking you desire.  Children are always bombarded with this advice that strives them to make a good living, they are constantly advised to...
  • January 29, 2020

    Be A Motivator, Be An Educator

    The dream begins, most of the time, with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you on to the next plateau, sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called truth. – Dan Rathe Education is considered as the most powerful weapon in life to achieve victory and success.  Teachers are given to perform this important responsibility and work to create and shape the future of our country and the lives of the youth by educating them. A teacher is a great source of knowledge, prosperity and light from which anyone can get benefit for life. They are a gift given by God in a person’s life,which leads us to success without any selfishness.In fact, we can call him as the creator of the astounding future of our nation through education. According to educational consultant Jeffrey Benson, good teachers don’t see students as test scores; they see students as human beings with a need to connect and interact with others, as well as be accepted with and in spite of their flaws. Benson says, “Students — from kindergarteners to high schoolers — look to educators for unconditional acceptance. We hear all the time that our best teachers love their students, regardless of their age or achievement.” They make the student academically excellent and encourage him to do good in life always.  They equip the student with knowledge, skills and positive behavior so that the student can never feel lost and move on.  They always explain to the students about their goal of education through clear vision and ideas. Teaching is not an easy task .Our modern society demands high quality teaching and learning from teachers. Teachers have to possess a great deal of knowledge and skills with regard to both teaching and assessment practices in order to...
  • The value of a teacher in life cannot be overstated. Becoming a teacher offers endless prospects to help all students, to understand and achieve their full potential. Teaching is not only a profession with rigorous standards only; it is also a calling to serve others. If you get pleasure from working with children and you believe that education has the power to change lives, then you may prefer teaching as a great profession. The profession of teaching is a very attractive career as it demands huge respect from the society. India has always had a tradition of holding teachers in great regards. It should never be ignored that apart from parents, teacher is the most fundamental person in shaping the minds of young students. Achieving success in your career requires ongoing training and education, which is where professional development comes into play. Also known as continuing educational and professional learning, B.Ed. curriculum is designed to facilitate educators the skills, needed to succeed in their respective profession. This course has been designed for those aspirants who are interested to pursue career in teaching and other related fields. For teaching in schools, B.Ed degree is a must necessitate in India. To become a successful professional in teaching field, one should have a minimum qualification in Bachelor of Education (B.Ed). This course is of duration of 2 years. The minimum eligibility criteria for B.Ed. is the completion of an undergraduate degree course in any discipline. National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) is the panel which sets the standards, procedures and processes in the education system of India.  This course helps one to learn the various methodologies, innovative techniques, activity based learning, individual behaviours and creative thinking involved in the teaching profession. Dr. Yogita Goel (Asst. Professor) Satyam College of Education, Noida References: |...