Career versus Passion? (The internal battle)

Students – Satyam College of Education, Noida
Under the guidance of Dr Jyotsna Kohli
Faculty – 
Sayam College of Education, Noida


Your life builds up on three things: choices, chances and changes.

‘Choice to take a chance to see the change’


 How many of you have felt at some point that you would have been exceptional off accomplishing something different? How many of you have ended up pursuing a course that you don’t like but on an expectation that one day it will pay you well? How many of you doing something that neither you like nor it is contributing to your development? How many of you wanted to pursue something you were passionate and enthusiastic about but however now you got stuck in this competitive world where every other person is running after wealth and position? On an average most of the students are pursuing a career and living a life where they are not happy and this is the reality of today’s world.


 Choosing between the career and passion has now been a challenging dilemma that troubles the minds of every student while they settle on a decision. After passing out from the schools, students stand at their first junction. What to do straightaway?  Which road to be taken will lead to a happy and successful life? Shall we follow the passion that keeps us alive consistently or shall we continue accepting the meaning of an effective and successful life that is given by the society which says ‘a bird in the hand is worth two into the bush? It is always great to have a degree’. Finish your degree and afterward seeking you desire.

 Children are always bombarded with this advice that strives them to make a good living, they are constantly advised to choose a profession that will provide them money, stability, luxury, and so forth. The very popular scenario of parents encouraging their children to seek a life that others are actually running after?  No parents want their children to follow any dream or passion that will leave them battling with their bills. Following your passion will positively builds the measure of someone’s happiness but it will be relieved if your passions won’t be able to pay for your food, water, shelter, and utilities. This creates intense pressure in the minds of students, who are pressurized to earn money and bolster their families by doing work that they don’t like or we can say despise doing.

Furthermore, unfortunately toward the end, most of the students follow career and profession that have been chosen for them, and not by them.


Is it alright to neglect your passion and continue trudging in a course or profession that you don’t like?

So here the Battle begins; the internal battle, a constant battle between the career and the passion. But the reality is, it’s not a battle between what your mind and heart says. It is a battle between what society directs us to do and what our heart at last does or we can say seeking after what we love versus doing what pays well.

Let’s begin with, how important is money? It’s a question a large number of us have contemplated over in any event once in our lives. Money is verifiably significant for existence. You can’t take care of your family and cannot feed them on simply love, passion and enthusiasm, and this is a cruel truth, we all deal with. However, there do exist a particular kind of individuals who have no passions or we can say they could not build upon any passion, their solitary point in life is to chase money. You will be surprised to know that these sorts of individuals end up driving happy and cheerful lives and in this way, there is no single response to whether you should look for money or not.

But sacrificing your passion for money would definitely make the difference. Those who give up on their passion and follow a career because of the good earning, at first, pleasant objects would be there to fill the hole in your heart .

There is a strong belief that happiness derived from money is often fleeting. The day you buy your first mobile or car might be the most memorable one of your life, those emotions, it would be and ecstatic moment. But with each mobile you buy, that joy would blur away, gradually and gradually until the day would come when it would stop making any difference. But money is important, even vital but to what extent? The one thing that you need to remember, it is not an object you are sacrificing; it is your whole life.

Seeking after your enthusiasm passion might not give you cash or make you a best in class official, what it will give you, however, feel of satisfaction. The fulfillment of working on something that is near your heart, something that ignites your inner fire, and something that is acceptable to you and something you are good at. Finding such a passion in life is not easy and following through with it, is worth any kind of difficulties you might face to pursue it.

“The things you are passionate about are not random, they are your calling.”

-Fabienne Fredrickson


“Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you”

-Oprah Winfrey

Today when a lot of opportunities are available to the students, the question is how would they go about what they want to truly pursue?  Does this happens due to uncertainty in what one’s passion? There are two ways to move towards this uncertainty is either you want to do what you want to do but you must understand what you really want to do is just a thought you have generated that is not even yours and something that you pick from the surrounding.

Most of the people decided to do depending upon what they receive in return. What will I get? Will I get his kind of lifestyle, this kind of fame while pursuing what I call my passion? This is what they thinking of.  This is the wrong way to approach something. Choose a life that must not be influenced by your Family, companions, educators, or social pressure. Spend some time with yourself and ask, Is your life valuable to you? If it is, then what are you going to put your valuable life into?

While dealing with any battle that goes inside your mind and heart, remember this is your life and this is you have to see what really matters to you, whether it pays you well or not, but remember if your heart isn’t in something truly you will not do your best.

Whether it is art, music, designing, sports, spirituality, politics, etc if you are not absolutely devoted to what you are doing you will do nothing fundamentally in your life.



So here the entire battle turns into what you want to pursue versus what are you devote to. In terms of now, can you be devoted to something for next 30 years? Will you feel satisfied if you think back and see what you have done till now?

It is unquestionably true, that there is money in all fields; you simply need to make yourself commendable enough in order to obtain it.


“Success is not the key to happiness

Happiness is the key to success.

If you love what you are doing,

You will be successful”

-Albert Schweitzer

In every step of your life while following your passion people will taunt you by saying ‘following your passion makes an individual less successful’. And then the question arises, what is the definition of success according to you? It does not let societies choose what successful intends to be.

Success is typically thought of as making huge sums of the wealth of accomplishing a certain degree of fame, but the true success that satisfies is not all about money. Success is better characterized as an ideal point of direction. For most people success means being pleased of their achievements and being a part of something that matters. If an individual chooses to follow their passion, there is a more noteworthy probability that money and traditional success will follow, in light of the fact that the time and effort invested in the venture come with enthusiasm and zeal.

 Desire! Don’t fail to listen to your heart, focus on what excites you and above all don’t let anyone limit your dreams because the best feeling is getting paid for what you love doing.