Library Rules

  1. The library will remain open on all working days (Monday to Friday) from 9.00 a.m. To 5.00 p.m. And on first and second Saturdays from 9.00a.m. To 3.00 p.m. The library will remain closed on remaining Saturdays, Sundays, gazette holidays and institutional holidays.
  2. A person desirous of using the library shall enter his/her name, address and time of entry legibly and sign in the register kept at the entrance for the purpose.
  3. Strict decorum and discipline must be maintained in the library.
  4. Use of cell phones is not allowed. If readers wish to keep them while using the library, it must be switched off/ silent mode.
  5. Smoking, eating, sleeping and talking loudly are strictly prohibited in the library
  6. Readers are not allowed to carry bags, umbrellas, briefcases, boxes and other such articles into the library.
  7. Documents taken out of the shelves must be left on the table. Replacing the documents on shelves by users is not encouraged, as the documents may get misplaced.
  8. Readers should not mark, underline, write, or tear pages or otherwise damage the library documents.
  9. Readers are requested to handle all library property carefully to avoid damage to it and also not to disturb other readers/users.
  10. No library material can be taken out of the library without permission of the librarian.

Borrowing privilege

S.No. Users No. Of books Loan period
1 Students 3 books 7 days
2 Faculty members 7 books 15 days
3 Staff members 3 books 7 days

  1. Users are not allowed to issue more books than those specified in the library rules
  2. If a book is not returned within the borrowing period, issue of additional documents may be stopped.
  3. Late fee of Rs. 3/- per day per book would be charged from all the borrowers who retain book(s) beyond the due date.
  4. In case of lost book, double the replacement cost of the book will be charged from user as penalty. The user can also replace the lost book with another new copy of the same document.
  5. Library Journals, Magazines, Newspaper, Reference and Reserve sections are not for issuing but can only are read inside the library premises.
  6. The books in the text book section can only be issued if their copies are not available in the general section. Text books can be issued on overnight basis or maximum for a period of 03 days.

Important e-links for Open Education and Learning

S.No. Subject View
1 SWAYAM Online Courses View
2 Swayam Prabha View
3 CEC UGC You Tube Channel View
4 National Digital Library View
5 ShodhGanga View
6 E-ShodhSindhu View
7 Vidwan View
8 Internet Archive View
9 Doaj View
10 N-List View

E-Newspaper link